dimarts, de gener 26, 2010

Black & White

Time to set objectives,

Last season was just a different one for me, new road bike, new feelings, new world, a lot of different sensations that I was not used to have. It was a year full of emotions, full of important moments that I still have on my mind.

One year later is time to seat goals, to put dates on the calendar, to start to train, even if at the end there is no way to finally get them, only the pursuit is a goal itself. This season it will be a different one, as I already set my goals, and those are clear, TRI....and TRI means Triathlon, so road bike, running and swimming.

Road bike is something new for me, but similar to my loved MTB, with clear differences, but on a 29" spirit. Running is part of my all live training, and even I´m really bad on that when I compare whith other people,I know I can compete and suffer....the worst will be the water element, this is the worst side of this bet, but I´m really focused, and I know it will be also a great experience.

So once the goals are setted, the planning must be in place to achieve them, and it´s time to train, even harder than usually. I will let you all know where this new experience drives me during this year, as I´m sure I will have enough new ideas and thoughts to share with you.

And as a new year is in front, a new "dress" is set for the season, and I decided it will be related to the road, so Black and White, as the roads, this will be the official colors of the new season...and why not, maybe also related to te 29"

From SC, Xavi Paricio

3 comentaris:

  1. Que bé que sona, de fet tot va agafant la seva forma, el seu recorreut, el seu to, el to dels grans espais,com el de South Carolina, el dels petits com el del nostre país petit, Catalunya terra de pas, terra d'acollida, terra de realització dels nostres somnis.

    Xavi, ja fa mesos, de la proposta d'aquest espai, anglo-català, ara hem d'aconseguir que intervinguin els nostres dos poliglotes, en Colorado en anglès i en Ratrasse en francès, fet que seria positiu per aquest espai, per les aportacions i per la pluralitat que suposa el fet de fer intervencions amb d'altres idiomes, a part de la nostra estimada llengua.

    La carretera, la nostra assignatura pendent, ja no et dic el "Triathlon", que seria la diplomatura perfecta, córrer, nadar i bike, renoi, renoi, renoi.

    Bones sensacions, les de l'inici del 2.010, en el meu cas però, bones lectures, perquè si bé estic millor del dolor de l'esquena, torno a estar refredat, sí, sí, un altre cop a casa aturat. Cal ser positiu, si ha de ser millor, que sigui tot de cop, per així amb una mateixa aturada ja "feniquito" aquest refredat tant aburrit, i el dolor d'esquena.

    Ganes de sortir, de pedalar, amb 1x1 ó 2x9, però sortir.

    Xavi, gaudeix d'una bona sortida.

  2. Great to hear you have set yourself some goals. Triathlon is a great event and one I'm sure with a bit of motivation you will have no problems finishing. Remember to enjoy your training and bring that enjoyment into the race and it will make it a lot easier. If you arent competing to win then remember this and dont get to nervous. Good luck with it all and I look forward to hearing your progress.

  3. Xavi no deixes de sorprendrem mai, bé per això som a on som, per fer realitat aquells somnis que voliem i per seguir fent realitat els que vindran, de ben segur.

    Sembla que era ahir a Manresa, a la sortida que organitzava el teu cunyat, de fet era ahir, perquè la tinc present com si fós avui, Ibis, Ibis, Ibis...

    Ara a South Carolina, demà qui ho sap.

    Jo et poso un tema de bikes que t'agradarà, esperant estic per la proposta d'un d'ells, i si és positiva amb els gironins ja tindrem de que debatir un cop les 29" siguin a casa seva. És que el tema 29", ara ja el tenim assumit, no?.

