dimecres, de novembre 18, 2009

Inner Tube Torch Mount

I thought about new lights for the winter. I was then shown the Cree P7 torch. For the money these torches beat most lights out there. Small and Light so you can helmet mount. I will get a few night photos up let you see just how good they are.

Here is a trick for mounting the torch using old inner tube.
Take one old inner tube and cut to the size of the torch.

Cut a section out of the middle.
Pull the tube through the torch under the Bars then feed the torch into the tube again. Using the section you cut out to place between torch and bars for padding.

5 comentaris:

  1. Veig que a Ireland ara esteu per l'època de les càmeres de bike com a útil per a tot, jo també vaig passar, i de ben segur hi tornaré a passar.

    Molt bona la idea, però i sempre hi ha un però, la goma és flexible, i per rodar de nit necessites que la fixació sigui rígida. És una teoria, que hauràs de verificar rodant.

    Quina sensació que em dóna la Kona...bike, bike, i més bike.

  2. Estar clar que l'enginy sempre es la millor solució i en aquest cas realment sembla que el resultat es prou acceptable. Com diu en Lagranevasió caldrà veure si es prou estable per a no moure's al rodar.
    El que no veig clar es el muntatge en el casc, per on fas passar la càmera?

  3. The inner tube doesnt move much. I use a tight tube and there is very small movement. Cable ties can be used against the stem but it is too much hasstle. This method is only a quick fix and not something I would have permenant. On the Helmet it works the same there is a slot horizontal to the torch and the tube stretches under it. If you look close at the photo you can see the slots on the other side of the torch.

  4. Kona Coiler Dee Lux 2005:
    Hayes 9 Brakes
    Hope mono 6 Saw Rotors 203mm F/R
    Fox DHX4.0 Coil
    Marzocchi 888 RCV 2007
    Sun Ringle MTX 31 Welded Rims (2009 as I smashed the old wheels)
    Nuke Proof Hubs (CRC Factory build)
    Raceface Bars and Stem
    XT Front/Rear
    Race Face Crank and Bash Guard
    Hope Bottom Bracket
    wellgo Flat Pedals

    I think the bike is over 20kg. Heavy to pedal all day. I have it more DH set up although the Geometry of this bike is more all mountain. The forks are a bit over kill but I havent had a chance to change them. It works for me and I have had great fun out of it. When I stay on it!!

  5. Si els soports dels llums et funcionen, és perfecte. Els soports del Sigma, tant del Karma com del Powerled es trenquen.

    Podria ser que una certa flexió sigui bona, no ho se.

    La Kona és una joia, una màquina d'esbrossar camins, de baixada això sí. 20 Kg. i la teva corpulència fan que millor rodem darrera teu, tu i en Ritrasse amb la seva Intense Tracer, sou la nostra primera fila de combat.
