divendres, d’octubre 23, 2009

My local Downhill trail

Cavehill Belfast: This video shows my local and favourite Downhill trail. The rider featured is Colin Ross a rider at the top of his game in Ireland. The video was taken to be used as part of Break The Cycle Film.

Colin Ross rides Cave Hill from Andy Yoong on Vimeo.

4 comentaris:

  1. Great video Michael, the trial it's amazing....and the way Colin is riding also. It's nice to hear this Irish accent, so different to the SC one

  2. Es fàcil que aquesta baixada sigui la teva preferida, jo només veient-la ja m'agrada i molt.
    Quina sort poder disfrutar d'aquest tipus de trails!!

  3. Es evident que la baixada no la pot completar tothom que vulgui, per això hi ha aquesta gent especial i unes bikes especials que realment ara queden lluny, molt lluny dels meus pensaments, i baixar.lo amb una XC la veig realment dificil.

    Però com diu en Ratrasse, està clar que ens agradaria.

  4. This trail really has it all. The first section is tight single track leading onto a mad rock garden then more single track dropping down into the forest with technical steep decents roots on the trail and then a massive drop down into the famous step up jump. Cavehill is a great location for biking in Belfast. You are all invited to a guided tour if you are ever in Belfast.
