dimecres, d’octubre 07, 2009

Hello from Ireland

Fáilte - Beinvinguts - Welcome

I would like to introduce myself to those of you who do not know me. My name is Michael Regan, I am 29 years young and an Irish Rider. I ride all disciplines even road bikes. My favorite being Downhill. I was biking from a young age on BMX and old rigid MTB's. I stopped biking around the ages of 14-20 when all my time was spent amature boxing. I won most fights and represented my country for a few international fights. This being the highlight of my boxing days. As I got older and started going out, more drink and partying took over and boxing was no more. A few wasted years and I got back into biking. I started with the roads to get fit again on a saracen ventoux. Then I bought a xc Trek which I still ride today although it has been upgraded from the stock bike. Learning DH on an xc bike was fun and I often got some funny looks (He isnt going down that trail on that bike) Thankfully the bike done o.k. and I survived to tell the tale. Later I bought a Kona Coiler which I ride DH. It isnt your typical DH bike but suits my riding style and is more pedal friendly than a full on DH rig.

So thats me I will be back on soon to introduce you all to the wonderful world of biking in Ireland.

5 comentaris:

  1. Hola Michael,
    Es un plaer poder intercanviar impressions amb gent de llocs tan diversos, que be que sigui així.
    Es per a mi dificil escriure en Angles, però sé que et feran la traducció sense problemes.
    Espero que ens poguem anar llegint durant muolt de temps.
    Sigues benvingut

  2. Yes I agree with you it is great to hear stories from other parts of the world. I am busy this week in preparation for my Off road Marathon then its back to the bikes for me. I will have more time to introduce you all to Irish MTB.

    You can follow my Marathon blog below were I will have a race report after saturdays race:

  3. Fáilte - Beinvinguts - Welcome, Michael.

  4. Welcome Michael,

    It´s a pleasure to have you here, more voices, more opinions, more histories, more points of view. Also, you open this blog to the Ireland people, so I´m glad you jois us....amybe we met somewhere in Ireland, magic country.

    One thing is sure, I will never fight with you !!!!

    Welcome, welcome andd welcome.

    From SC, Xavi Paricio

  5. Thanks for the welcomes everyone. If anyone is ever in Ireland I would be delighted to show you around the local trails.

    I have to say a big thank you to lagranevasio for showing me this Blog. Also to my Amazing girl friend for introducing me to lagranevasio and her brilliant family.

