diumenge, d’octubre 04, 2009

George Hincapie

Night in South Carolina.

Time to relax and enjoy searching for different info on the web. Today I was looking for some news I was reading on a local newspaper, related to the local hero George Hincapie.

George is a kind of special rider, maybe he was so close to Lance, that learned the way to do business in this worl. George is a multi activities man, profesional rider now in the Columbia Team, he created some year ago his own apparel brand "Hincapie", which is expanding business, and have a quality product I had the pleasure to have on my hands. They produce locally, and on George words "this is a good oportunity to us to control the quality of the product, as many other brands outsurce this to low cost countries".

I have to say, I totally agree with this, as it's true that some of the brands you can actually find on the market, are produced in Mexico, China, and other low cost places. Nothing against them, just the simple reason the people that control those companies (Castelli, Nike, ...) are not working on those countries.

But reading George, and looking for info, I realized that this man offers some views of this amazing sport in SC. I found this "premier" of his new video, and for me, the best on that short, is that you can have some great views of what SC can offer to road bikers.


Enjoy the video, it's a window of my new home country.

From SC, Xavi Paricio

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