diumenge, d’octubre 04, 2009


Dear riders

Fall arrives, and I just gave my wellcome riding the Ibis on Paris Mountain State Park. This is my best spot, Ibis and Paris Mountain. It´s close to home, it´s nice, it´s full of single tracks, there is enough different trails to enjoy. There is nice downhills, and stiff uphills.

How different is MTB and Road Bike, the feelings I have when riding the Ibis are so different than the ones with the Tarmac, that now I almost think I need another MTB, more XC oriented, maybe 100mm in the front and rear, no more. So I will talk to Tom, I want they run more and more with the XC Ibis SL, that will be my bike, because even with all problems we know, every time I look to her....I feel is the best bike ever.

Fall is advancing, first leaves on the floor, trees changing their color, temperature going lower...and I love it, I love to feel the freshness on the morning, the winds going cold, the forest odours are different, and I can smell hundreds of different aromas even riding.

Enjoy Fall

From SC, Xavi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Quanta raó tens, la tardor dona aquelles sensacions tant especials de veure que el temps avança, que no estas parat, el fred ens espera, potser la pluja també.
    Es MTB i cada sortida és una experiència que no es pot desaprofitar.
    Segueix rodant!!
