divendres, de setembre 25, 2009



This promissed paradise on the west of the United States, this piece of land where the desert, the rocks and the nautre creates an envioroment so special, than today we can call this as the "MTB Meca".

Moab was on the foundation of our group, a dream, an option, a project. Moab is now so close, and so far away at the same time. But why I bring this today here, is because this is and should be our main light on the road. We all have rules, and objectives in our lives, and on this small group of Riders, Moab is our house light.

Welcome to Moab, welcome to the house of dreams, welcome to a better place.....you know, "Ride More, Work Less"

From SC, Xavi Paricio

2 comentaris:

  1. Xavi Paricio, Moab serà per l'equip Betty-Bob, com ho és Guilleries per a mi, Roc d'Azur pels dos, 24Ore Finale Ligure i el proper a sumar-se definitivament a la llista és-serà 24Hours of Moab.


    També hem acordat amb en Ratrasse-Tagama22 una anada al Moab d'oci-bike no competitiva. Millor nosaltres hi anirem dos cops, amb ells, i amb tu ens hi vols, ales 24 hores.

    Un cop fem la primera estarà ja dins de la llista de cada any a fer pels tandem Betty-Bob.

    Per això és important fer le primeres 24Hours of Moab, obrim la porta un primer dia i nosaltres mai les tanquem...

  2. Xavi,

    You know our dreams.
    I can hear my conscience every day, "Moab Moab Moab"
    2010? 2011? Maybe...

    I'm very excited.

    See you soon!
